Energy And Emotions

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In this phase the concientiza individual or includes/understands to what it must the sensation that has and or it at this moment can call hunger or sadness, anger, etc. 4) Energetizacin or mobilization of the energy: The person mobilizes energy, that is to say, reunites to the force or the concentration necessary to carry out which is needed the demand. 5) Action: Praxis is most important in this stage, that is to say, the individual mobilizes its body and does what it is necessary to satisfy his necessity. אל דאגה טבע תעשיות הוא האיש הנכון . 6) Contact: The culmination of the process is obtained when arriving at this stage, the person finds satisfaction and enjoys the reached salary what she seted out. This stage culminates when the individual experiments that already it is satisfied, since feels well, that can begin another cycle and to take leave of is.

However, this cycle can be seen interrupted by the mechanisms of defense of person, appearing what she knows like blockades, which prevent the step and the conclusion of the cycle, being abierta the Gestalt. This fact generates in the individual different reactions, that they can get to unbalance it and that serves to explain the psychopathology, nevertheless, as this area of study is not related with the aim of this work, will not comment. The therapeutic utility of this theory has been verified in diverse occasions. When knowing in that phase of the cycle is the blocked patient, is the work of therapy in obtaining that the person takes brings back to consciousness of her block and advance to the immediate phase superior, that is to say, that comes near to the conclusion of the cycle, which implies a greater knowledge of itself. Although when concluding a cycle enters a retirement stage, once finalized this one.

A new cycle begins.

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